
What I Do

I'm a software engineer, with 10+ years of experience. My core background is in Enterprise Application Integration mainly in the Telco industry, although I have made some brief stops on financial services clients.

Throughout my career, I have performed many roles from developer, tech lead, (hands on) team lead, and architect. The latter has been my role these last few years, at my current company (Celfocus), where I've been working across the organisation to support and enable strategy, offer-development, pre-sales, innovation and delivery teams and activities.

What I Like

Inevitably, many of my interests come from my work so things gravitating around software engineering (in all its dimensions, and not just coding) are things I consider fun and truly enjoy. I'm a technical person and like to experiment with technology to learn new things and be mentally stimulated, as well as keep myself up to date.

As a by-product, I have way too many gadgets spread around the house. Although I've been using Linux from a young age, I have gravitated towards Apple products as the core of my tech gear many years ago, which is what I still mainly (but not exclusively) use.

I am a sports fan, an avid music listener and book reader (updates still in progress). Also, although I've been slacking a bit in recent times, I love photography and playing the guitar (both of which I'm actively doing again).