


My guidelines for any and all of this blog's posts:Opinions are my own and do not represent the opinions or views of past or present employers.

Unless otherwise noted, all blog posts are published under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.


I have opted not to have comments on the blog (at least for now).

I am, however, greatly interested in exchanging thoughts with anyone who might have any opinions on the ideas presented here, so I'd more than welcome we engage through other means.

If you want to discuss in public, nowadays I'm mainly (and prefereably) active on Mastodon. I'm and also on Bluesky though I don't post regularly. I still have Twitter although I don't really tweet anymore barring special situations (which these could be).

If, however, you prefer to exchange some ideas in private, feel free to email me. Please forgive me for any excessive delay in getting back to you.